I am part of a NeuroDivergent online Community. All Counsellors.
I have been to some of their online meets. They are challenging but wonderful. I have seen people like me, being NeuroDivergent. Actually being NeuroDivergent. Not making ourselves fit. Understanding that we may all communicate differently and negotiating everyone's needs. Being Authentic.
This safety is rare. At home with friends, yes. But in a professional peer space, it's rare.
In the ND Counsellor group, I witnessed someone ask for information ahead, so they could process the question. This was powerful for me. I observed empowerment.
In my personal life, I have been asked to attend a meeting. I replied to the meeting request and claimed my communication needs. My need is to not be face to face because I process differently 'and' if emotional, I go into my autonomic stress response - cry, freeze, can't process. This leaves me defenceless as the other continues talking or pities/judges.
When we process differently or go into a stress response, and when others don't understand this normal biological psychological response, we can be deemed as being emotional/incapable. I have seen others treated this way.
So thank you to the NeuroDivergent community. Thank you for modelling how to be NeuroDivergent.
My email reply:
'Thanks for the speedy reply.
I'd like to stick with emails. I process information differently and find that these conversations are best for me in writing.'
So simple. Yet powerful.
