The current Education system Teaches and Assesses our Young People based on learning styles suited mostly for NeuroTypicals. Assemblies try to motivate with the message they must try harder. Awards for 100% attendance. Pressure to attend extra classes with a frown if those classes aren't taken. Messages that working hard produces results, which is not how ND Brains works.
It is not understood that we are already trying harder; we are running a marathon whilst others are running a sprint. We are told to keep up, told that we are not doing well when all along, this Marathon is killing and exhausting our Young People, our NeuroDivergent Young People.
Everyone is different; some ND Young people are okay, but many are not. Why are they not cared about?
I have a privilege as an Adult. I also have privileges as a white, educated Adult with a stable upbringing and no poverty. These privileges let me dance to my own drum, to my strengths. I get to choose my career, to choose my environment within limits.
Our Young People do not have Autonomy. They are squashed and forced into Education. Our Young People are being eaten alive in the depths of the Educational dark waters, being held down underwater and then questioned why they are gasping for air.
We HAVE to continue speaking up to highlight how NeuroDivergent Young People are being failed.
Only then can things change to create an Educational system that enhances individual strength to prepare Young People so they can thrive and excel as Adults.
Then, we might see a more compassionate society with better Mental Health.
Pic of me in muddy water during a muddy run. My choice. Because friends were with me to cheer me on with Pride and understanding that whilst I was never going to win any competitions, I am someone who likes to try challenges when I can.